Sunday, March 27, 2011

Drywall or "Rock"

Had you been to the house on Tuesday, you would have seen the words "Rock" or "No Rock" all over the place. That is the code for where they install the drywall, or SheetRock.

Now had you been to the house on Wednesday, you shouldn't have blinked. Because the entire house was "Rocked" in one day!  No kidding.  After an inspection by the township, they came back on Saturday and put the first coat of "mud & tape" on there as well.

This is some of the results:

From the outside, the first two coats (out of three) of Stucco has begun. Too bad the rain and the temp has been so bad this past week. We can only hope this coming week is much better so the stucco guys can continue.

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