Sunday, November 21, 2010

Look Ma! No walls (or ceiling)

One more dumpster filled this weekend with not only old walls but ceilings as well.  Most of the 1st floor was plaster over drywall. So very heavy and very dusty.

But 1st, my dedicated work crew (and good friends)

Bill in the stairwell:

Jon in the living room:

Mike in the bedroom:

The ceilings were especially nasty. Imagine dumping a bucket of dirt over your head. Time and time again. Foot after foot.  I'm glad it's over.

This is the results: A clear view through the house. Both side to side and front to back.

Finally I get my first real view and perspective over how 'open' the new design will be. It's easy to stand on what will be the new kitchen and imagine viewing across to the great room. It's awesome!

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