Monday, April 25, 2011

Bring on the VOC's

Weekend update:  Flooring has begun.

The majority of the 1st floor is a nice Caramel 'Strand Bamboo'. Very durable stuff. Stronger than Oak, claims the manufacturer. I really like the strand bamboo as you don't see the 'stalk' or segments of the natural bamboo stem. Also, Bamboo is very sustainable as it's one of the fastest growing grasses around. (Pardon the dust in the pictures)

 The stairs were interesting to cut around. But as luck would have it (or what I like to call: 'Living right'), the pieces in front and behind the stringers didn't need to be cut at all. Amazing!  But of course the pieces in between needed to be sized properly.
 For those observant people, you may notice the small mortised 2x4 under the one stringer. Well that is actually under both stringers and is screwed down in to the beam below the floor to help keep the bottom of the stairs secure. I mortised them in more than half way, but not all the way through so as to keep an nice aesthetic from the outside.

 Mohawk Flooring Website

Also in the flooring category, the bedrooms received their carpet today. That really cleans up those rooms. Just add some base molding (and maybe some doors) and it's a rap in there.  The spare rooms got a lighter color than the master suite. They all came out great and have that 'new carpet' smell. 
Oh what used to be great to smell, is now know as a Volatile Organic Compound. Live and learn I guess.

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