Saturday, February 19, 2011

Weekly update, with movies

So I was out of town for a week and just look at all of the progress. Lets start with the exterior:
(Don't forget you can click on the pictures to see a larger version)

Check out the new roof and windows:

 Above: That's a Rubber roof for the "flat" areas. This also on the back flat roofs.

And a new porch area (Minus the actual part you stand on)

Now how about some movies? (Sorry, you really don't have a choice in the matter.)
I would also suggest Right-Clicking on these videos, and then selecting "Watch on YouTube".

There's also been some progress in the basement.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Exterior shape complete

Take a look at this. The exterior walls and roof are now complete and you can now see what an awesome structure this is. Remember that the design intent was to have a 'normal' street side (to blend in to the neighborhood). And a more modern aspect as you came around the side. One more "wish list" item was to incorporate a 'wow' factor in to the interior space whether you come in the front door or the back. More on that in a later post.. ..

That unique area in the back is the master bedroom. It has the huge window, which is actually three combined. Here's what it looks like on the inside:

There is also an interesting view of the center windows which will bring a lot of natural light and ventilation in to the core of the house. From the attic:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hello Ridge Beam!

Despite more snow (this snow season is in the record book) and one of the worst ice storms in history, the building continues.  Take a look at these new photos which show the complete roof profile. Most of it has the sheathing on it. They are still working on the back side.

By the way, the Ridge Beam is the very top of the roof peak and it's mostly hidden in these pics.

Here's some shots of the guys working on the roof in the back.
 Here is the inside of one of the spare bedrooms. It's still not done, but you can see the amount of space that the dormer gives to the room.