Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Front side taking shape

Here you can see the beginnings of the two large dormers that make up the spare bedrooms. Plus you can see the overhang that will become the roof above the front porch.

And just to remind you, this is the indended design:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Stair Design & Bake Sale

So take a look at these mock ups I've created for the main stairs. Pretty fancy stuff. But this is a major piece that will identify the interior design as 'modern'.

On a very related note: I'm holding a bake sale and car wash (Sorry Jerry) to help fund this important interior design element.

Then a look at the second floor level:

And now for the bake sale items: (Just $500 a piece)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Framing.. More Snow

The second floor is making some headway. Now some of the rooms start engaging the roof line as well.

This is one of the spare bedrooms:

This will become the master Bedroom:

The master closet: (Which is really hard to see with this picture)(It's large)

Then there is the start of the master bath:

How about some updates to the exterior walls:

And one last picture to show the scale of the 'great room'. That's me and I'm 6'1" tall as compared to the wall and window of the great room.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Roof? No. But a second floor will do.

Now that the complete second floor is installed, that acts as a nice substitute roof for the first floor. With snow falling just about every other day, this helps to keep everything as dry as possible. Well, without any windows that is.

This second floor also has a nice affect of giving the first floor rooms the last dimension of space: height. The height "feeling" doesn't come out right in these pictures. But enjoy them none the less.

I'll start with a nice comparison between the 'design' and the reality.

More 'Great Room pics':

The Kitchen:

Dining room:
 The central core (Stair area):

The first floor in movie form:

Monday, January 10, 2011

The 2nd floor has begun

Check it out. I walked on the second floor tonight for the first time. Basically the two spare bedrooms, the guest bathroom and the catwalk has a floor. And they did a good job because I didn't fall through.

And the view from the catwalk opens to below on both sides. Here's the view of the front door.

This is also a good time to peek down at the great room. This view will not be possible once they get the rest of the 2nd floors installed.

And don't you worry about this area that looks like a 2nd floor hog pen. Just move along. Nothing to see here:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Warning: Graphic images of a house being born

So the walls are going up now and it's very exciting to walk around in the new rooms. Even with out the drywall you can just imagine what the space is going to feel like. Sorry that you can't get that same feeling by looking at these pictures. But let me tell you - It's pretty cool.

(Don't forget you can click on each picture to show the larger version)

 Now some interiors.
First the front door & Office:

Now the dining room and kitchen:

Video of the front side of the house:
The raising of a wall section:
Just added, a picture of the side of the house that face the side street. This was also in the above video where one section of this wall was raised with the machine. Now you can see the entire wall. By the way, that is not a door. It's a window!!